Learn about 3 things you can do TODAY to prepare emotionally, financially, and logistically for your divorce.
We all know at this point that life can be unpredictable. While we cannot prepare for every event or situation, we can prepare for a lot when it comes to divorce. Preparation is key in mitigating risk. Being proactive in preparing for your divorce can help you make logical, intelligent, and informed decisions about your future. In fact, not being prepared is one of my top three divorce mistakes.
I acknowledge that if you’re here, reading this article that you’ve been going through a lot, and I want to take the time to say that I know you can and will get through this. Preparing for your divorce is just step 1 in the process to get you to where you need to be, this new chapter or even book of your life.
So let’s walk through three steps that can help you prepare, today:
1) Build Your Support System Now
Divorce can be an emotional rollercoaster. While most women know this, they often underestimate how significant the impact will be. We’re in the 21st century and women have become more empowered, confident, and independent (as it should be) but that does not mean you should do this alone.
Having the right kind of support in place before the divorce process begins is crucial. This should include a mental health therapist, divorce coach, or divorce support group. Friends and family can be a part of the support system but do not always provide objectivity. Women need objective insight during such an emotionally charged time. Even if they do not engage in weekly sessions, it is beneficial for women to have a therapist, coach, or group they feel comfortable with lined up ahead of time. Then, there will be no delay in receiving support when divorce stress and emotional upheaval strikes.
2) Obtain a credit report for yourself
A credit report shows current and past debt obligations associated with your name and social security number. If you do not recognize any of the creditors or debts listed on your report, you should contact the creditor directly for more information. Thankfully, nowadays there are free credit report companies that you can do this through. Here are some examples of places you can sign up to get your free credit report:
Your main focus here should be to know what debts exist in your name or are associated with your social security number. Surprises can be fun but not when it comes to debt!
3) Develop a plan
Create a plan for yourself that includes where you will live and how you will support yourself both in the early stages of divorce as well as post-divorce. This gives you direction as you go through the divorce process. Having a plan will not only help solidify a foundation for your divorce, but it can be something you can refer back to at any point during your divorce. You want to move forward intentionally with your decisions. The plan doesn’t necessarily have to be all logistics, you can include answers to questions, such as:
- How do I want to feel when I finish the divorce process?
- How do I want my kids to feel when the divorce process has finished?
While we shouldn’t live in fear of traumatic or catastrophic events, a great deal of confidence comes when we prepare for divorce. I dive into many more smart strategies and preparation tips in my books about divorce. Purchase your copy today at Amazon!
Now, as you can see, there’s plenty that you can do today to really help you make progress.
Most importantly though, I want you to realize that you’re not alone, you’re not broken, and that this change in your life is something you can actively prepare for. Increasing your knowledge of financial circumstances, planning, and having the right support will work to your advantage before, during, and after your divorce.