
Flying Solo on Valentine’s Day

InsightThoughtful direction

Valentine’s Day is in the air.  It seems that we barely get past Christmas and stores have promptly shifted their décor to red and pink with hearts everywhere.  Yet, Valentine’s Day holiday can make people feel depressed and distracted by lack – lack of love.  

As a kid, I remember the excitement around Valentine’s Day at school.  My classmates and I carefully constructed and decorated boxes where valentines would be placed.  A party took place with heart-shaped cookies and we gave everyone in the class a valentine – it was an inclusive celebration.  I am not sure where or why the broad inclusivity of this holiday became derailed, but I vote for spreading more love in our world.  This should start with each one of us doing our part right now.

If you find yourself on this Valentine’s Day without a significant other, paramour, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, love interest or crush, open your mind and heart to demonstrating care for yourself and others.  Here are a few suggestions of how:

  1. Invite some friends over for wine, cupcakes, a movie marathon or whatever sounds like a chance for connection.  Hands down – friends make life better.
  • Unplug from your devices and social media.  Use the time you usually spend plugged in to get outside, take a walk, hike or ride a bike.
  • Offer to babysit for your nieces and nephews or a couple who never has a chance to go out without kids.
  • Call a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while.  Yes, an actual voice call.  You don’t need to talk very long but the fact that you made the effort to call and talk rather than text or email will make the receiver feel special. 
  • Make a self-care appointment for yourself like a massage, personal training session or pedicure.   
  • Prepare a special dinner for your parents, kids or close friends.
  • Catch up on your sleep.  Sleep in, take a nap or hit the hay early.  Better yet, do all three.
  • Buy flowers for yourself.
  • Buy flowers for an elderly neighbor or a friend who may be struggling in life.  Give the flowers anonymously or with a thoughtful note.
  • Hang out with your grandparents.  The reciprocal benefit is huge.  They love you and will enjoy your company.

In closing, make Valentine’s Day about showing and sharing love for ourselves and those around us. 

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