We all know that it is important to take care of ourselves. Constant reminders to eat right, exercise and sleep appear in social media, magazines and television. When we are feeling stressed, upset or overwhelmed because of life circumstances like a divorce, it is hard to take the time to care for ourselves. But, in these circumstances, it is critical that we practice good self-care. Why? Good self-care helps us function, manage daily life and any obstacles along our path. Moreover, we think more clearly and rationally when have enough sleep and have nourished our bodies.
The importance of a clear mind
Is it important to think clearly and rationally when amid a divorce? Absolutely! Decisions made during a divorce often impact a lifetime. So, you need to be in a good space both physically and mentally when you are making big decisions.
Here are some self-care tips:
- Regular exercise relieves stress and helps improve mood.
- Be mindful of your eating. The bag of Hershey kisses may seem like a quick pick-me-up fix but has no positive long-term reward.
- Cut yourself some slack. Divorce is tough and not managing life’s tasks at full capacity is okay.
- Recreate and spend time with good friends.
- Create an awesome playlist of upbeat songs that make you smile and want to sing. Play it often.
- Make sleep a priority. If you are having trouble sleeping, seek help from a physician, naturopath or other health care provider.
- Journal. By writing out your feelings or worries, you may have a better perspective on your situation or you may be able to distance yourself from some of the intensity of the emotion.
- Seek comfort and support from people who are positive. Friends with the best of intentions may not be best for you if they are droning on about their own divorce experience or repeatedly bashing your soon-to-be ex-spouse.
Kindness matters
In closing, do not minimize the importance of self-care. You will not be able to take care of others let alone life’s business if you are not tending to your own needs. Kindness matters especially when it comes to you.